Launching the Melrose Rezoning Project

CommunityScale is launching a rezoning project with the City of Melrose, MA. This project will entail working closely with the City staff for the comprehensive recodification of the city’s Zoning Ordinance. This collaboration aims to modernize and streamline Melrose’s zoning laws to reflect the community’s current and future needs.

CommunityScale is joined by Levine Planning Strategies, LLC, led by Jeff Levine, a leader in inclusionary zoning and economic feasibility; and Blatman, Bobrowski, Haverty & Silverstein, LLC, a law firm with extensive experience in municipal land use law, led by Jonathan Silverstein.

The project will involve a comprehensive review and rewriting of the existing zoning ordinance to ensure it aligns with state laws, encourages the development of diverse housing types, and supports the preservation of Melrose’s architectural heritage. The project is starting immediately with completion targeted by June 30, 2024.

About CommunityScale CommunityScale is an urban planning consultancy dedicated to helping communities across the country enhance equity, economic mobility, and housing attainability. The firm offers a range of services, from development opportunity assessments to zoning reviews, leveraging extensive experience and innovative analytics to inform policy and investment decisions.