Housing study
Data-driven and interactive assessments for a variety of use cases
CommunityScale offers data-driven and interactive housing needs assessments that are based on many factors, including forecasted growth by income group and the actual choices of households who have recently moved within the greater region in terms of their income and housing selection. Get in touch if you, your community, or your region are interested in learning more.

Income, employment, household structure, and cost burden

Structure type, bedroom count, costs and rent, and affordability

Overall need and optimal mix of unit types and prices
Use cases for housing needs assessments
Comprehensive plan housing elements
CommunityScale’s Housing Needs Assessment report is customizable to meet your state’s comprehensive planning (general plan) reporting requirements. It will include pertinent demographic data and spatial analysis. We will collaborate with your team to identify and outline your community’s specific housing needs, including ideal locations, objectives, and strategies.
Massachusetts Housing Production Plans
A tailored version of CommunityScale’s Housing Needs Assessment meets the requirements of Housing Production Plan (HPP) submissions to the EOHLC. The HPP will feature essential data and identify constraints, and our team will assist in pinpointing your community’s preferred housing sites, objectives, and approaches to development.
Arizona Senate Bill 1162 Housing Study
A tailored version of CommunityScale’s Housing Needs Assessment meets the requirements of Arizona’s required municipal Housing Study, including the total need for additional residential housing units for rent and for sale in the municipality.
Connecticut Municipal Affordable Housing Plans
A tailored version of CommunityScale’s Housing Needs Assessment meets the requirements of Connecticut’s CGS 8-30j amended by Public Act 23-137 Section 55 that requires each municipality to adopt an Affordable Housing Plan once every five years.
Colorado Sustainable Affordable Housing Assistance
CommunityScale’s Housing Needs Assessment can satisfy the local needs requirements of Colorado SB 24-174.
New Jersey Mount Laurel Obligations
A tailored version of CommunityScale’s Housing Needs Assessment will work with processes and practices for towns to meet their Mount Laurel affordable housing obligations.
HUD Consolidated Plan
CommunityScale’s Housing Needs Assessments can be tailored to meet a HUD Consortium’s 5-year Consolidated Plan, including Needs Assessment (NA-10 Housing Needs Assessment) and Market Assessment report sections.
Private sector master plan support
CommunityScale’s Housing Needs Assessments provide private developers with comprehensive market and needs insights to establish robust housing programs and support project justifications for entitlement processes. Our model delivers detailed market data and analysis, enabling developers to pinpoint housing demands and tailor their projects to meet community needs. By leveraging our assessments, developers can strengthen their case for entitlement approvals with evidence-based strategies and clear alignment with local housing objectives.
Housing advocacy
CommunityScale’s Housing Needs Assessment equips housing advocates with data-driven insights essential for promoting equitable housing solutions. Advocates can utilize our in-depth analyses to highlight areas of critical need and push for policy changes or development projects that address housing disparities. With our report, advocates can bolster their arguments with solid data, helping to shape compelling narratives for change and rally support for meaningful housing initiatives.
Spotlight on Solutions: Celebrating Northern Kentucky’s Collaborative ‘Home for All’ Housing Strategies
Why we focus on housing supply
Honolulu launches new affordable housing plan
Launching a Housing Needs Assessment for Downtown Syracuse
Statewide housing shortage solutions
Stowe Housing Needs Assessment
Home for All: Northern Kentucky Housing Strategies
Launching a housing plan for Upper Arlington, OH
CommunityScale helps region win $20M grant for affordable housing
What is the difference between HUD’s income limits and percent of median household income?
Kennebunk Housing Needs Plan
Lancaster Housing Production Plan
Housing plan as website? Check out our new online dashboard for Greenfield!
What is 40B Safe Harbor?
The Affordable Homes Act and planning in Massachusetts communities
How life stage has factored into renting or owning since 2010
Reflections on the State of the Nation’s Housing report
Quarterly newsletter – Happy start of summer
Launching a Housing Needs Plan for Kennebunk
Regional Housing Study for the Elkhart-South Bend region