New districts and complete overhauls for mixed-use environments and missing middle housing
CommunityScale’s team members have experience crafting zoning across the United States. Much of our zoning work coincides with our housing needs assessment product, including authoring zoning code that enables mixed-use, walkable environments and missing middle housing. We offer both tactical district-by-district zoning reform as well as complete reformation of a town or city’s zoning ordinance.
Why we focus on housing supply
CommunityScale to update zoning in Waltham, MA
Statewide housing shortage solutions
Melrose Zoning Recodification
Climate tech and zoning: you want to do what!? where!?
Launching the Melrose Rezoning Project
2024 is a busy year for the MBTA Communities Zoning Law in Massachusetts
Thoughts on how Everett became a housing boomtown in the Boston area
CommunityScale joins MHP to assist the Town of Wakefield with MBTA Communities compliance
Dedham MBTA Communities Zoning
CommunityScale writing MBTA Communities zoning for Town of Duxbury
City of Lynn selects CommunityScale for zoning overhaul
Lynn Rezoning
Malden adopts MBTA Communities Zoning
General Code and CommunityScale sign a partnership agreement
North Attleboro Mixed Use Zoning
Malden MBTA Communities zoning
Design Lewiston Guidelines
CommunityScale under contract to manage Everett’s rezoning
Everett Recodification