City of Lynn selects CommunityScale for zoning overhaul
We are excited that the City of Lynn has announced the selection of CommunityScale as the consultant for the comprehensive Zoning Code Rewrite project. This initiative will modernize Lynn’s zoning regulations to reflect contemporary…
How to measure market demand with targeted housing market analysis
Gauging demand for new market-rate housing development can be challenging, especially in communities where it may not be prevalent (yet). Our innovative approach to “target“ housing market analysis is designed to help communities identify…
Housing needs assessments for three Kentucky Buffalo Trace counties
CommunityScale completed housing needs assessments for Bracken, Mason, and Robertson County, three rural counties in Kentucky’s Buffalo Trace Area Development District.
Lynn Rezoning
CommunityScale is working on a complete rezoning of the City of Lynn. Our team has two subconsultants, Levine Planning Strategies, led by Jeff Levine, and BBHS Law, led by Jonathan Silverstein. We’ll keep this…
El Paso Downtown + Uptown & Surrounding Neighborhoods Plan
The Downtown, Uptown and Surrounding Neighborhoods Master Plan was created with significant input from the residents, neighborhood associations, core stakeholders, and City staff. The City of El Paso Capital Improvement Department (CID) worked with…
Malden adopts MBTA Communities Zoning
The City Council adopted the zoning on December 12, 2023. The new zoning creates an overlay with a series of subdistricts that focuses multifamily development capacity and mixed-use development around their two station areas.
Housing Needs Assessment for Harrison County, Kentucky
Combining the analysis contained within this housing needs assessment with the community’s housing policy goals and priorities results in the housing production target tabulated at right of a total of 200 units in the…
Which places have the best cost burden performance?
We have the opportunity to work across the United States on housing needs assessments, and one of the questions we get is, “which places are the leaders in achieving low levels of cost burden?”…
General Code and CommunityScale sign a partnership agreement
CommunityScale takes pride in its strong partnerships with various businesses and organizations. Together, we combine our skills and technologies creatively to tackle the unique and significant challenges faced by communities, striving for innovative solutions.…
An empirical approach to quantifying and modeling housing preferences
To be truly actionable, a good housing study relies on a detailed and nuanced quantitative model of housing market trends. There are many ways to approach this task, but the most effective method focuses…
Having an impact on Massachusetts Housing Appeals Committee decisions as a witness
I have appeared as a witness at the Housing Appeals Committee four times, each with a positive outcome for the party I was supporting, including the Medford-DIV Fellsway, LLC Decision. My insights have been…
North Attleboro Mixed Use Zoning
With Stantec, CommunityScale is working with the Town of North Attleboro to update their downtown zoning, add a mixed-use overlay to their primary commercial corridor, and bring the town into compliance with the MBTA…
How CommunityScale forecasts households by income group
This post examines a key element of housing needs assessment: projecting future household income distribution. In planning for housing needs—whether for the next 5 years or 10—forecasting not only the number of households but…
Central Indiana Regional Housing Study
Launched while working at Stantec, CommunityScale is partnered with Stantec Urban Places to complete a regional housing study that includes housing market investigation, needs assessment, and gap analysis to provide communities and stakeholders across…
A new way to conduct and share housing needs assessments
CommunityScale is excited to announce a new way to conduct and share housing needs assessments. Our affordable and data-driven reports are delivered as interactive websites. This link is to a sample interactive web report.…